Thursday, December 7, 2017

Why Do I Run?

Why do I wake up before the sun rises and go out into the unforgiving Maine cold?
Why do I spend hours creating race and training plans for myself?
Why do I exhaust myself mentally and physically on a weekend afternoon?

Passion.  That is the simple answer.

I entered my first race the summer before my senior year of college in 2012.  It was the Jaycee's Soybean Festival 5k in Mexico, Missouri.  I ended up winning it, not because I had an impressive time, but only because there was also a 10k event that all the faster runners entered instead.  A few weeks later, I was signed up and running the Roots'n'Blues'n'BBQ 10k in Columbia, Missouri.  I ended up placing 40th in a time of 48:21 Results. I was exhausted, but proud.  The next year I moved to Philadelphia and ran my first half-marathon and did it under 2 hours.  This was the first time I felt "runner's high" and I was addicted.  I upped my training miles and started an actual routine.  I wanted to run and complete my first ultramarathon.  That time came in the middle of Black Rock Desert in Nevada on August 27, 2014.  It was the most fun and most demanding thing I had ever done at the time.  Running four big loops around the desert with the happiest and friendliest people I had ever met.  I ended up being the 3rd youngest finisher that year with a time of 6:00:47 for 50k.  results

The rest is history.  I went on to run my first marathon back in Philadelphia and completed my first trail 50k at Orcas Island in January 2017 and I won't be stopping anytime soon.

So, yes, passion is why I run.  But what does passion mean?

It means I like feeling good about myself when I'm running in the morning while others are sleeping.
It means I enjoy having time to clear my head or think things through while powerhiking steep elevation.
It means I wake up smiling knowing I am healthy and get to utilize my body today.
It means that in an ever changing, sometimes hostile world, I have the pleasure of knowing I have control over at least one thing.
It means I have goals that I want to and will accomplish.

This is why I run.

Stay warm and run wild,


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